KCP is a 74 year old diversified business group with a turnover over 200 million USD with interests in Cement, Heavy Engineering, Sugar, Power and IT. It has 9 manufacturing locations over various geographies in India and Vietnam.
Technology provides the cutting edge to our services, state of the art facilities and latest process trends that are applied in areas such as critical industrial equipment for mineral processing and chemical industries, steel plants, space research applications and Nuclear / Hydro power installations. KCP, with its technology & project management capability, has set up over 40 sugar plants and 12 cement factories in India and overseas.
COMPANY: KCP Cements Ltd
Vacancies : 7960+ Posts
Job Location :ALL OVER INDIA
Qualification :10th/12th/ITI/Diploma/B.Tech
Experience Required: Freshers/Experience
Salary Offered :70,200 PM
Last date to Apply :30 DEC 2015
Apply Mode : Online
Interested in this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteEmail Id- prakharmalik23@gmail.com
Contact- 9619501370
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